Molecular abundances
Below we present the equilibrium molecular fractions of H2 predicted by our model (solid lines) and Cloudy (dashed lines), plotted as a function of temperature. Each figure corresponds to a different UV radiation field: the Black (1987) interstellar radiation field multiplied by a factor 10 (ISRF10), the Black (1987) interstellar radiation field (ISRF), the Haardt & Madau (2001) extragalactic UV background (UVB) and in the absence of UV (None). The four panels in each figure show different densities, in the range 10-2 cm-3 < nH < 104 cm-3, and the different line colours show different metallicities. The shaded grey region highlights temperatures below 100 K that are outside the range of temperatures that we are primarily interested in, but we include this regime here for completeness. The figures in the presence of the Haardt & Madau (2001) UVB and in the absence of UV can also be found in figure 4 of paper I.
The figures below show the equilibrium molecular fractions of CO predicted by our model (solid lines) and Cloudy (dashed lines), plotted as a function of temperature. Each figure shows the CO abundances at a different metallicity, with different panels showing different densities in the range 10-2 cm-3 < nH < 104 cm-3, and the different line colours showing different UV radiation fields, as indicated in the legend. The shaded grey region highlights temperatures below 100 K that are outside the range of temperatures that we are primarily interested in, but we include this regime here for completeness. The figure at solar metallicity corresponds to figure 5 in paper I.
Last modified: Thu Mar 20 18:18:17 2014